Jan 20

Instructor Led Title IX Training

Thu, January 20, 2022 • 1:00pm - 2:00pm (1h) • https://carleton.zoom.us/j/92096267542?pwd=U3gvQUhaWThVUTRyWmJ2WFpVQzRNZz09
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Carleton College is committed to maintaining high standards of respect and civility. This commitment extends to creating and maintaining a learning, living, and working environment free from all forms of sexual misconduct as defined by Carleton College’s Policies against Sexual Misconduct.

This instructor led session occurs on the third Thursday of each month during the academic year.

Event Contact: hr@carleton.edu,lriehlem@carleton.edu
Event Link: for More Information

Repeats monthly on the third Thursday of the month: Jan 20, 2022, Feb 17, 2022, Mar 17, 2022, Apr 21, 2022, May 19, 2022

Event Summary

Instructor Led Title IX Training
  • Intended For: Faculty, Staff
  • Categories: Training/Orientation

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