• SDAs are Senior volunteers selected by the History Department and the Office of the Provost.
  • They are chosen for their easy approachability — please do not hesitate to contact them!
  • They serve as a resource for all current students, especially new students, who want to talk to knowledgeable and experienced upper class students about courses and registration.
  • They have general information about College academic policies and procedures, but are particularly knowledgeable about courses, sequences, and requirements in the History department. They are available to answer any department questions and supplement advice available through faculty advisers and published materials.
  • They can refer you to the proper person, office, or department for additional help.
  • In the History Department, SDAs are also Student Departmental Ambassadors who join lecturers and job candidates for breakfasts and lunches, give campus tours, and attend public talks.
  • The History Department and SDAs can also support racial and social justice causes with field trips, films, speakers, and other student-driven suggestions.

Many History group activities are possible!

The History Department welcomes suggestions from all majors for activities you might like to do with other History majors. In the past History majors’ SDA-led activities have included pizza office hours, History trivia night at a local pub, field trips to history museums, vintage or haunted history film nights, concerts, lecturer visits, puzzles and podcasts, resume-writing workshops, and humanities career panels.

The History department publicizes all SDA-led events, e-mails students and faculty, provides modest funding, and reserves rooms, vans, or buses as needed for events.

Please submit your suggestions to the SDAs for 2024-25 activities.

What History SDAs also do:

  1. Meet RAs during New Student Week to help first-year students register.
  2. Table during New Student Week/Academic Fair in the Fall.
  3. Fall term, meet and talk to History Argument & Inquiry classes.
  4. Special Drop-in Hours before each term’s registration for Q&A sessions about courses – come enjoy snacks and conversation!
  5. Organize annual T-shirt design competition, send messages to majors, collect votes for winning design, and draft invitations to majors to order t-shirts.

For additional course and faculty info, please also contact our History Department Curriculum Committee (DCC) Reps!