Advanced Placement credit for History:

The History department grants credit toward the major and towards Early Modern/Modern European and U.S. fields within the major for scores of 4 or 5 on the Advanced Placement examinations in United States and European history. The department does not give major credit for the AP World History examination at this time, although a 4 or 5 on the AP World History Examination may be used to fulfill the 210 credits needed for graduation.

International Baccalaureate credit for History:

Scores of 5, 6 or 7 in any test, 6 credits granted, which may be applied toward a major field and/or total major credits with approval by the History department chair.

Note: The History department will count no more than 12 pre-matriculation credits total toward the major from approved exams (AP and/or IB), and majors are strongly encouraged to count no more than 6 such credits toward the major.