Since 1979 the Carleton College History Department has been fortunate to have a special lectureship that was endowed by Mr. Herbert P. Lefler (Class of ’42) (Feb 3, 1920-Dec 27, 1991) and Mrs. Mary Jane Lefler (May 17, 1921-Feb 20, 2018). They were also Carleton parents.

The Herbert P. Lefler Lectureship allows us to bring prominent working historians to campus who have recently raised important conceptual questions relevant to the entire discipline of history. These two to three-day visits are integrated into the History 298 junior year colloquium, but they also serve to bring the entire department, indeed the community, together to address issues which span their various individualized, specialized programs.

To do this we ask our Lefler lecturers to give a public presentation on their most recent research and to conduct a seminar discussion with majors about the key conceptual issues raised in their scholarship. The lecturers also meet with students for a lunch conversation, and are the Guests of Honor at a department dinner attended by department faculty and special guests from the surrounding academic community. The presentations are usually 45 minutes long, followed by a 15-minute question-and-answer session. All lectures are free and open to the public.

2024-25 History 298 instructors: Professors Rebecca Brückmann (fall), Andrew Fisher (winter), and Amna Khalid (spring)

Questions can be sent to Mieux Williamsen, Administrative Assistant, History Department office (507) 222-4217.

Please also visit the Gustavus Adolphus College Herbert P. Lefler Lectureship pages, where a second lectureship was created by Mrs. Mary Jane Lefler in 1993, in memory of her husband.