Carleton offers a variety of educational programs that address sexual violence and promote sexual respect.

For Students

Title IX and Sexual Violence Prevention Overview

Length: 60–90 minutes
Facilitators: Title IX Coordinator

Program outcomes:

  • Understand what behaviors are prohibited under Carleton’s policy against sexual misconduct
  • Understand Carleton’s complaint process and the options that are available to students
  • Become familiar with support resources on-campus and off-campus

Green Dot Overview – Bystander Intervention Training

Green Dot Carleton Logo

Green Dot is a nationally recognized bystander intervention program that focuses on building the skills needed for individuals to take action when they see instances of power-based personal violence (stalking, intimate partner violence, and sexual assault). “Green Dots” are small choices that each of us make with our words or actions which help prevent harm from occurring in our community. The Green Dot motto is, “No one has to do everything, but everyone has to do something.”

The Green Dot interactive training for students is designed to equip participants with the necessary connections, knowledge and skills to increase their proactive and reactive bystander behaviors. The training focuses on defining the role of the bystander, recognizing behavior that leads to harm, and understanding personal obstacles to action. 

Length: 60 minutes
Facilitators: Green Dot Facilitators (trained faculty & staff)

Program outcomes:

  • Recognize warning signs of personal power-based violence, including relationship violence, sexual violence, and stalking
  • Recognize responsibility as bystanders to intervene in potentially harmful situations
  • Identify realistic strategies to act in potentially harmful situations, including delegate, direct, and distract
  • Increase confidence in ability to intervene utilizing realistic options to act given unique set of barriers
  • Identify realistic proactive behaviors to promote two positive campus norms: power-based personal violence will not be tolerated, and everyone is expected to do their part to prevent violence
  • Feel confident that actions as bystanders impact the safety of our campus community

Green Dot Booster Sessions

Green Dot Carleton Logo

Students who have completed Green Dot Bystander Intervention training are eligible to attend Green Dot Booster Sessions, which are designed to expand students’ bystander intervention skills.

Length: 45–90 minutes
Facilitators: varies, based on program; typically Green Dot Facilitators (trained faculty & staff)

Topics of previous sessions included:

  • Intersection of alcohol & bystander intervention
  • How to support a friend

Consent and Boundaries

Length: 60 minutes
Facilitators: SMPR Peer Educators

Program outcomes:

  • Have a deeper understanding of what boundaries are and how they vary depending on relationships
  • Gain an understanding of consent in both verbal and nonverbal forms
  • Feel more confident in engaging in conversations around consent
  • Know what resources are available through Title IX

Alcohol, Incapacitation, and Consent: Creating a Healthy Campus Culture

Length: 90 minutes

Facilitators: Title IX Coordinator, SHAC Director, OHP Director

Program outcomes:

  • Understand the Carleton norms around alcohol use and sexual activity
  • Increase awareness of what is included in Carleton’s policy against sexual misconduct
  • Understand that “a person can be incapacitated, and not display clear signs of incapacity” – i.e. there is no way to know for sure
  • Be able to identify at least 1 behavioral indicator of possible incapacitation
  • Understand that blackouts indicate significant impairment and prevent one’s ability to consent to sexual activity

Culture of Respect: Preventing Harassment

Length: 60 minutes

Facilitators: SMPR Peer Educators/Sexual Violence Prevention Coordinator

Program Outcomes:

  • Identify your group’s values
  • Recognize discriminatory attitudes & actions
  • Understand how group values can contribute to preventing gender-based discrimination
  • Identify realistic proactive behaviors for promoting a healthy atmosphere in line with identified values

For Faculty & Staff

Green Dot Bystander Intervention

Green Dot Carleton Logo

Green Dot is a nationally recognized bystander intervention program that focuses on building the skills needed for individuals to take action when they see instances of power-based personal violence (stalking, intimate partner violence, and sexual assault). “Green Dots” are small choices that each of us make with our words or actions which help prevent harm from occurring in our community. The Green Dot motto is, “No one has to do everything, but everyone has to do something.”

The core of Green Dot is a six-hour interactive training for students designed to equip participants with the necessary connections, knowledge and skills to increase their proactive and reactive bystander behaviors. The training focuses on defining the role of the bystander, recognizing behavior that leads to harm, and understanding personal obstacles to action. 

Length: 2.5 hours
Facilitators: Green Dot Facilitators (trained faculty & staff)

Request a training for your department / office

Program outcomes:

  • recognize warning signs of personal power-based violence, including relationship violence, sexual violence, and stalking
  • recognize responsibility as bystanders to intervene in potentially harmful situations
  • identify realistic strategies to act in potentially harmful situations, including delegate, direct, and distract
  • increase confidence in ability to intervene utilizing realistic options to act given unique set of barriers
  • identify realistic proactive behaviors to promote two positive campus norms: power-based personal violence will not be tolerated, and everyone is expected to do their part to prevent violence
  • feel confident that actions as bystanders impact the safety of our campus community

Green Dot Bystander Intervention – Overview

Recorded Trainings

Alcohol, Incapacitation, and Consent

Please use your Carleton login to view Alcohol, Incapacitation, and Consent.