Create Your Own Affirmation

18 October 2021

What is an affirmation and why is it important?

  • An affirmation is a statement or phrase used to challenge negative or unhelpful thoughts.
  • There is a system in your brain called the “default mode network” that is responsible for self-reflection and self-judgement.
  • Repeating words or phrases disrupts this system and can aid in the manifestation of personal contentment.

Create Your Own Affirmation Guide

  • Step 1: What is your affirmation about? Start by journaling or meditating on what and how you are feeling.
  • Step 2: Find your keywords. If you chose to journal, circle any words that stick out to you. If you thought about it or meditated on it, reflect on the common themes that you noticed.
  • Step 3: Piece it together! You can use affirmation starters like “I am” or “I feel,” or you can do your own thing! Make sure you use positive-action language: instead of saying “I won’t” say “I will!”

Downloadable PDF version of the guide and the affirmation card


How to Create Your Own Personal Mantra. (2016, June 23). Retrieved from, M. (2015, August 14).

How Mantras Calm Your Mind. Retrieved from

Moore, C. (2021, March 16). Positive Daily Affirmations: Is There Science Behind It? Retrieved from