Government Grants - Allowable Expenditures
Grant expenditures are subject to additional restrictions imposed by OMB Uniform Guidance (UG). All grant expenditures must be evaluated to ensure they are allowable under the terms of the grant, within the allowed time period, properly authorized and adequately documented.
An electronic Grants Manual has been prepared as a resource for faculty who have received external or federal funding in order to provide the necessary resources to ensure a successful project. Although the College is legally accountable to the grant sponsor as the official recipient of a grant, the Principal investigator is responsible for the proper fiscal management and conduct of the project.
Learn more about Government and Foundation Grants on the Business Office website.
The policies have been provided in order to provide clear guidance as to what costs constitute appropriate charges to federally funded projects, as well as to achieve consistency with other college policies.
The cost principles relating to expenditures on federal awards are contained in the Uniform Guidance, Subpart E, 200.400-409. While UG provides thorough guidance, some excluded items to note are:
- Alcoholic beverages
- Entertainment costs
- Personal expenses or purchases
- Lobbying
- Participant support costs not specifically addressed in your award letter
- International travel costs not specifically addressed in your award letter
Last Revised: August 24, 2018
Last Reviewed: February 12, 2021
Maintained by: Business Office