Outside Employment
The College does not intend to interfere with the private or personal life of employees. The College recognizes that outside work, in modest amounts of time and service, can advance the professional development of an individual and magnify Carleton’s contribution to society. However, proper performance of College duties may be hampered by outside employment, defined as working for another employer, being self-employed, or providing consulting arrangements or corporate board services. Regular full-time employees should not take paid employment outside the College which might affect their efficiency on the job at Carleton, constitute a conflict of interest, cause work schedule conflicts, result in the misuse of College resources, and/or otherwise have an adverse affect on the College. Advance approval of the employee’s supervisor is necessary when considering outside employment to ensure no conflicts/issues will arise.
A conflict of interest may be defined as any situation in which private outside employment would or could reasonably be perceived to conflict with the best interests of the College or with the employee’s performance of his or her College duties. Use of College resources to perform outside work (e.g. supplies, facilities, equipment, staff) may not be charged to or supplied by the College. Only in cases where there is a direct benefit to the College from the work itself (exclusive of the individual performing the work) and only with prior approval would such use be appropriate. A serious breach of this rule, in fact or public appearance, may result in appropriate disciplinary procedures.
For: Staff
Last Reviewed: February 5, 2024
Maintained by: Human Resources