This section provides an overview of many benefits available to faculty and staff. In the event of conflict between the overview provided in this handbook and the plan document or insurance plan, the plan document or insurance plan will govern. Complete descriptions are not possible in the handbook; employees should contact Human Resources for specific plan details. The Labor Agreement governs in the case of Union employees in all aspects of this section. Regular non-union employees who have a schedule involving a (.46) FTE or above, and Union employees who have a (.50) FTE or above are eligible to participate in the College’s benefit programs.

Carleton College will comply with all applicable laws such as ACA, FMLA, federal, state, and any applicable regulations.

Employment & Benefits

Childrearing, Family, and Medical Leaves


A tenured, tenure-track, PEAR, or continuing faculty member may request up to one year of unpaid leave of absence for childrearing (parenting); however, only the first 12 weeks of this leave for adoption or placement of a foster child will apply toward a paid Family and Medical Act of 1993 (FMLA).  If the parents of a newly placed child are both employed by the College, one twelve-week paid leave will be shared. The College’s contribution to benefits will continue during the first six months. Beyond that, the faculty member may continue health and life insurance benefits by paying the full premium cost (both College and employee contributions), according to federal continuation guidelines (COBRA).

Family and Medical Leaves (FMLA)

The College complies with the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993. Arrangements for a family or medical leave should be discussed with the department chair, provost and Human Resources office. Additional information can be found under Family Medical Leave (FMLA).

Return to Work

When the Childrearing, Family, or Medical Leave of Absence has ended, the faculty member will return to his or her original position and rate of compensation without loss of any other right or privilege of employment. If the faculty member is in a tenure-track position and takes a full year’s leave, he or she is entitled to a one-year delay in the review process; delaying the review process is negotiable if the leave is shorter than a full year or longer than a year. Such “stopping the clock” should be discussed with the department chair and the provost. (See Tenure and Terms of Service under Faculty Appointments).

Last Revised: July 15, 2022

For: Faculty

Last Reviewed: July 15, 2022

Maintained by: Office of the Provost