
Food Trucks Guidelines, Sales, and Distribution

Vision: To establish a vibrant and diverse food truck program that enhances the campus experience while ensuring safety, sustainability, and responsible operations.

Key Principles:

Safety: Protecting the health and well-being of the campus community is paramount.

Sustainability: Promoting environmentally responsible practices and minimizing waste.

Quality: Offering a variety of high-quality food options to meet diverse needs.

Inclusivity: Creating a welcoming and accessible environment for all students, faculty, and staff.

Transparency: Providing clear and concise regulations for both the college and food truck operators.


  1. Host Department Sponsorship: All food trucks must be sponsored by an affiliated campus department responsible for ensuring adherence to these guidelines.
  2. Application Process: Interested parties should contact Campus Services to discuss possible dates and locations, along with the name of their departmental host.
  3. Insurance: The sponsoring host is responsible for having the Food Truck contract completed and the required Certificate of Insurance listing the College, its trustees, officers, faculty, students, employees, and or agents as additional insured. Food truck operators shall maintain in full force and effect during the event a general liability insurance of not less than $1,000,000, auto liability insurance of no less than $1,000,000, and worker’s compensation coverage.
  4. Locations: The Food Truck must use the designated space(s) solely to provide food products.
  5. Branding & Marketing: Marketing materials should indicate the name of the sponsoring department and must be approved by the college to ensure consistency and alignment with campus branding. The Food Truck shall comply with any reasonable request of the College.
  6. Self-Sufficiency: Food trucks must be fully self-contained and require and not require college
    utilities or equipment.
  7. Waste Management: Food trucks must prevent the disposal of any materials, including rinse or wash waters, any spilled materials, or any waste, onto the College property.  Vehicles and equipment must be free of leaking fluids, and food truck operators may not dispose of any trash
    or other waste on College property. The departmental host will be responsible for removing all garbage, litter, compostable, and recyclable waste associated with their activities.
  8. Sustainability: Food trucks should serve with compostable or recyclable materials when possible. Beverages must not be served in glass bottles or containers.
  9. Alcohol Prohibition: Food trucks are not permitted to sell or provide alcohol.
  10. Licensing & Compliance: Food trucks must furnish a copy of the State of Minnesota’s Mobile Food Unit license to the College and shall comply with all applicable licensing, laws and regulations, health inspections, and other compliance measures of the State of Minnesota, including, but not limited to, those of College relative to conduct on its premises.

Forms & Tools:

Food Truck Contract

Food Sales:

The Minnesota Department of Health provides specific guidance for food safety.  Carleton College expects all campus suppliers, students and staff to follow the MDH guidance to ensure the safety of food served or sold on campus.  Please refer to the MN Department of Health the University of Minnesota Extension, and the MN Department of Agriculture for more information.

Bon Appetite, our Dining Services partner, is the only food provider with a food license on record with Carleton College. The college does not monitor other outside food service suppliers contracted by individual departments to serve food at campus events.

Food prepared and served or sold on campus by individuals should be consumed with an understanding that products are homemade and not subject to state inspection.  When selling items at a bake sale, the seller is responsible for a sign or placard stating “These products are homemade and not subject to state inspection” posted at the sale. Label food with your name and address, the date produced, and the ingredients, including potential allergens. Information for cottage food producers is available here.

Contact Information:

Associate Vice President for Campus Services: Jesse Cashman,

Campus Scheduling Administrator: Jana Lelm,


Last Revised: October 7, 2024

For: Faculty, Staff, Students

Last Reviewed: February 7, 2025

Maintained by: Business Office