Academic Advising
Academic advising is one of the responsibilities of Carleton faculty members. The general goals of advising are:
- to assist students in designing their educational trajectory;
- to help students reflect upon, develop, and implement a strategy for achieving their academic, career, and personal goals;
- to connect students with other resources on campus that can help them to address specific academic, career, and personal concerns;
- to make all reasonable efforts to be able to meet with students when they request an appointment;
- to support and stimulate students’ capacity to make informed decisions, to negotiate difficulties, and to take responsibility for and learn from the consequences of their actions and choices.
Advisers of first- and second-year students in particular are encouraged to help their advisees understand the goals of a liberal arts education, especially the values of choosing a wide array of courses as a way to discover their unique talents and intellectual passions. They are also expected to help students navigate the challenges that many students face in adjusting to the demands of college and then to choosing a major.
Advising workshops are offered at the beginning of each academic year to help familiarize faculty with the resources available to students, to share best practices and to learn about changes to College policies and procedures relevant to advising. Resources for advising are found on website that is maintained by the Dean of the College office.
It is the expectation that faculty advisers will be familiar with the Carleton curriculum and graduation requirements, and will be available to students throughout the year.
The following groups of faculty are not expected to advise:
- faculty in the first year of an appointment
- faculty on continuing contracts (but they may be invited to advise)
- faculty who are away for one or more terms during the year (e.g., on leave or leading an off-campus program)
- faculty in phased retirement, as well as retired faculty
Full-time faculty on a two-year contract are generally expected to advise in their second year.
Last Revised: July 30, 2014
For: Faculty
Last Reviewed: January 7, 2022
Maintained by: Office of the Provost