Buildings & Grounds
Inline Skating
The College encourages inline skating, roller skating, and skate boarding outdoors under conditions where these activities are safe for the participant and other pedestrians, does not disrupt other activities, and does not damage College property. As is the case with bicycles and all other vehicles, safety, courtesy, and consideration of others must always be foremost in the minds of persons using such equipment.
Because the College is concerned about safety and bears some responsibility for the use of campus property, Security Services is specifically directed, and all others are encouraged, to look out for disruptive or unsafe inline skating, roller skating and skate boarding and to request participants cease the activity or report such instances to Security Services. Recurring problems may result in designating and posting certain areas as off limits to such equipment.
Inline skating, roller skating and skate boarding indoors is disruptive, may be dangerous, and may cause damage in College buildings. Such activities are categorically inappropriate within all Carleton buildings. Those wearing inline and roller skates must remove them upon entering any Carleton building.
Instance of noncompliance will be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the Student Judicial Code for students and in an appropriate manner as circumstances dictate for all others.
Approved on April 22, 2003.
Last Reviewed: August 14, 2023
Maintained by: Dean of Students Office