Buildings & Grounds
Student Motor Vehicles and Parking
All student motor vehicles, including students living in non-Carleton owned housing (Northfield Option and hotels), are required to be registered each academic year with the college. Applications for permits must be submitted online to the Dean of Students office. A limited number of registration approvals are available, maximum one per student.
First year students are not be allowed to have vehicles on campus. Exceptions may be made for extenuating circumstances (documentation may be required). Reasons such as the need to drive to campus, a job off campus, or wanting to visit relatives in the area are not considered extenuating circumstances.
This policy shall be in effect on the first day of classes fall term up to the first day of winter break, and from the first day of classes winter term through final exams spring term, including midterm breaks and spring break (except for the sections regarding moving violations and parking in restricted areas, which apply all year).
- While attending Carleton College, students are not permitted to drive or possess motor vehicles (cars, trucks, motorcycles, and other such licensable motor vehicles) within the city limits of Northfield except as outlined in the policy. Those students whose applications are received after all available spaces have been assigned will be asked to remove their motor vehicles from Northfield.
- Applications for student permits are required, and are to be submitted via the online Student Vehicle Registration Application. The Dean of Students office will review all applications. Students granted permission to keep a vehicle in Northfield will be issued a parking permit which must be picked up at Campus Services and affixed to the rear bumper of the vehicle on or before the date specified on the approval.
- A fee of $75 per term or $200 for the full academic year will be charged for parking a motor vehicle on campus. If students have arranged to store vehicles elsewhere which provides an off-street parking space (e.g., renting a garage) they may do so. The vehicle must still be registered with the college.
- Students temporarily possessing a motor vehicle for a contiguous time period of up to two weeks must obtain a temporary parking permit. These permits may be applied for using the online Student Vehicle Registration Application. Vehicles issued a temporary permit must park in the lot assigned by the Dean of Students office (typically the Rec Center parking lot). There is no fee for a temporary parking permit. Students are limited to one temporary parking permit per academic term.
- Students leaving their vehicle on campus during the winter or summer breaks must obtain permission and parking assignment from the Dean of Students Office. Failure to obtain such permission may result in the owner being responsible for necessary towing and storage fees.
- Students living in non-Carleton owned housing off campus must be provided at least two off-street parking spaces by their landlord, therefore up to two parking permits may be issued by the college for each residence. Vehicle registration for this category is $25 per term.
- Students who use personal vehicles for college business are advised that by law every motor vehicle which is operated on the public roads, streets and highways in Minnesota must be covered by proper no-fault and liability insurance. Under the financial responsibility law for the State of Minnesota, an owner is legally responsible for their own automobile when the car is being used by a second party. The owner becomes liable for any negligence of the driver of the car. For this reason we ask that all faculty, staff, and students who use or loan their cars for authorized college trips be certain that satisfactory limits of insurance for bodily injury, property damage, and medical payments are carried.
Where to Park
- Your assigned parking location is the only place on campus you are allowed to park during the hours of 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday. Outside of these hours, students may park in any legal parking spot, with the exception of spots marked for a specific group (handicap, faculty/staff only, Area Director, Admissions, etc.). Vehicles with off-off-campus (Northfield Option) permits may not park anywhere on campus during these hours. Outside of these hours, any legal parking space on campus may be used (with the same exceptions listed above).
- During winter break you may park in any designated student parking spot during the hours of 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.
- Per college policy, students cannot park vehicles on city streets between the hours of 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. every night of the week.
- In addition, City of Northfield parking regulations state (1) no person shall park a vehicle in one space upon a street or municipally owned parking area for a period exceeding 48 consecutive hours, and (2) there shall be no parking on city streets between the hours of 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. from November 15 until March 15. Any citations for violations of City of Northfield regulations will be issued by Northfield Police.
Fines imposed for violations of the Student Motor Vehicle Policy or Carleton parking regulations will be due and payable in the Business Office or the Hub upon receipt by the student of a vehicle citation.
Current fines include:
- Possession of an unregistered vehicle: first offense $40 fine; second offense $60 fine; third offense $80 fine; subsequent offenses $100 fine, tow, and/or loss of parking privileges on campus.
- Parking in a handicap stall: first offense $80 fine; second offense $100 fine; third offense $120 fine; subsequent offenses $150 fine, and/or tow.
- Parking on a city street between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. or parking in an area other than assigned lot or where otherwise restricted: first offense $10 fine; second offense $20 fine; third offense $40 fine; subsequent offenses $60 fine, tow, and/or loss of parking privileges on campus.
- Parking in a fire lane: first offense $40 fine; second offense $60 fine; third offense $80 fine; subsequent offenses $100 fine, tow, and/or loss of parking privileges on campus.
- Careless or reckless driving on any campus road or walkway: first offense $40 fine; second offense $60 fine; third offense $80 fine; subsequent offenses $100 fine and/or loss of right to operate a motor vehicle on campus for a period of one year.
- Failure to display a valid permit: first offense $10 fine; second offense $20 fine; third offense $40 fine; subsequent offenses $60 fine.
- All other violations of Carleton parking regulations: first offense $10 fine; second offense $20 fine; third offense $40 fine; subsequent offenses $60 fine and/or tow.
When a violation is accompanied or characterized by other behavior such as careless driving, driving while under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, or other behavior in violation of the Community Standards Policy, the student may be charged with additional violations of the Community Standards Policy and/or Minnesota State Statutes.
All complaints against students concerning Student Motor Vehicle Policy violations shall be submitted to the administrator of that policy. Complaints may be filed by any member of the Carleton community, as well as by any resident of Northfield. Reports should include the following information if available: a description of the vehicle, its license number and state, the location, time, and date of the alleged violation, and details concerning the nature of the incident. Security personnel shall have the right to question any students concerning their relationship to a specific vehicle should a reasonable suspicion of a violation exist.
If a student wishes to appeal a citation, an in-person request must be made to Security Services for consideration within five academic days after delivery of the citation. The right to appeal is relinquished by failing to contact Security Services within the prescribed time period.
Last Revised: December 12, 2012
For: Students
Last Reviewed: August 14, 2023
Maintained by: Dean of Students Office