Buildings & Grounds
Contributing to Landscape Improvements and Maintenance
The College accepts gifts that provide funding to improve or support the maintenance of the campus, Cowling Arboretum, and other College-owned land. Proposed gifts for those purposes will be subject to the following policies and procedures.
- The College strongly encourages donors to support operations and capital improvements through undesignated gifts, affording the College the greatest flexibility in applying funds to projects of the greatest need.
- Designated gifts are appropriate in some circumstances but should provide support for existing needs, plans, intentions, or programs.
- Initial contact with the College for information on or discussion of potential projects must be made through the Development Office, which also will coordinate project selection and gift arrangements. The Development Office will consult with the Facilities staff to determine feasibility and for preparation of plans, designs, and cost estimates.
- Donations for special projects should provide funding for the entire project, from planning to installation to maintenance, including the cost of professional consultation if required. Support of any kind that is to be provided by the College must be approved, in advance, in consultation with the affected departments.
- Many projects will be subject to review and comment by the Campus Design Committee, the Development Office, affected departments, the Vice President and Treasurer, the President of the College, or the Board of Trustees.
- The method and content of donor recognition is subject to approval of the Development Office in consultation with the Facilities Department.
- The College retains the right, subject to approval by the Trustees, to alter, relocate or remove any and all trees, plants or landscape objects as the future needs of the College may dictate.
- Human remains may not be buried or interred on any College-owned land.
December 14, 1989 by the Board of Trustees of Carleton College
Last Reviewed: August 25, 2023
Maintained by: VP for External Relations