Buildings & Grounds
Rideables Policy
Carleton promotes the use of rideables as an alternative means of transportation, supporting the college’s goals for a more sustainable campus. This policy establishes responsibilities and procedures to help ensure pedestrian and rider safety as well as proper use and storage of rideables on campus.
This policy applies to all persons on Carleton property, including faculty, staff, students, visitors, and contractors on campus. This policy does not apply to electric wheelchairs, mobility scooters, or other electric mobility devices specifically designed for and used by an individual with a mobility-related disability.
Rideable: A device used primarily for transportation of a single individual. This includes bicycles, e-bicycles, scooters, e-scooters, skateboards, e-skateboards, rollerblades, roller skates, hoverboards, unicycles, and similar devices.
Persons operating a rideable on College property are required to comply with all applicable Minnesota State Statutes.
Users should take the necessary precautions to ensure their personal safety and that of the College community while operating any rideable devices in authorized areas on campus. Rideable operators must yield to pedestrians on sidewalks and pathways and are responsible for controlling speeds so not to endanger others. In congested areas of campus, riders must slow to the pace of walking traffic or dismount and walk.
Rideables must not be used for stunts, jumps, tricks, or on railings, stairs, or similar features. Rideables are not permitted in the Lower Arboretum and only pedal bicycles are allowed on designated trails in the Upper Arboretum. Rideables may not be used indoors.
Carleton assumes no liability for those who use rideables on Carleton property. Any individual operating a rideable on Carleton property is operating at their own risk. Carleton makes no guarantee that campus property is safe for rideable use. Rideable users are responsible for any damage, injury, or loss caused by their personal rideable use on Carleton property.
Faculty, staff, and students are required to register bikes and battery-powered rideables that are on campus with Security. Registration is designed to prevent theft and assist with the recovery of stolen rideables. A registration sticker will be given, free of charge, which should be prominently displayed on the registered item.
Parking and Storage
Rideables must be secured to an approved rideable rack. Rideables should not be secured to light poles, benches, or railings. Rideables that are not secured in an appropriate manner may be removed and confiscated. Reimbursements will not be issued for locks removed or cut during the confiscation process. The College is not responsible for any damages that occur during the confiscation or storage process. If confiscated items are not retrieved by the owner within thirty days (30), they may be disposed of in accordance with College policy.
Battery Charging
Given the fire hazards associated with storage and charging of electrically powered rideables (battery-assisted bikes, scooters, and similar devices), Carleton prohibits charging these devices inside of all campus buildings. Options for outdoor charging stations will be available starting fall of 2024.
Violations of these conditions may result in the loss of rideable-use privileges.
Approved by the President's Cabinet September 3, 2024.
Maintained by: Human Resources