Academic Regulations & Procedures

Special Students

A person enrolled in a course or courses but not admitted by the admissions office and not following a degree program is designated a “special student.”

Special students (only senior Northfield High School Honors Program students, College employees, spouses or domestic partners of faculty/staff members, and Exchange Students) must secure permission of the Registrar and register with the Office of the Registrar after fully matriculated students have registered, during the first week of the term. The signature and permission of the instructor should be obtained before the registrar has checked the class list for available spaces in the course. Full-time students on waitlists always receive priority over any special student.

Most special students pay the same tuition per credit as all current undergraduates unless they are granted partial or full tuition remission through the College’s benefit program. All special students must pay for any special course fees.

Last Revised: September 25, 2024

For: Faculty, Students

Last Reviewed: September 25, 2024

Maintained by: Business Office