Academic Regulations & Procedures


This policy is offered as a summary of registration procedures and is subject to change. Detailed information on the registration process as well as on basic registration policies is available online via the Registration link on the Registrar’s Office website.

Fall term registration for new students will be conducted during the summer. This is the first opportunity for new students to register. Most returning students will have registered in May.

Registration for winter and spring terms, as well as for fall term of the following year, will typically be conducted over a two-week period during the latter part of each term. Failure to register for or to attend classes by the end of the first week of the following term will be regarded as withdrawal from the College. Students are required to discuss their registration with their adviser prior to registration.

If any part of a student’s account in the Business Office is past due, the student will not be permitted to register unless arrangements are made to settle this account with the Business Office. Registration may also be held by the Registrar, Office of the Dean of Students, Student Health and Counseling, the Writing Program, and the Academic Standing Committee. When all holds are settled, the student will be permitted to proceed.

Students who are off-campus and who will not have internet access during registration can elect to have the Registrar’s Office act as a proxy and register for them. Information about proxy registration is available on the Registrar’s Office website.

Students are placed randomly in registration groupings, each with a designated priority time, based on class year. Students cannot register before their assigned priority time. A student may register at a later time than scheduled, within published deadlines. 

“Sophomore Priority” in the schedule means students will be allowed to register for a course in the following order: sophomores, first-year students, seniors, juniors. A senior or junior registering for such a course will be automatically waitlisted. A junior or senior who needs a particular sophomore priority course for graduation should talk with their adviser.

Waitlists are formed when more students seek to register for a class than it has capacity. Waitlists provide priority information for accepting students into a class if space becomes available. The Registrar’s Office website describes the processes for waitlisting a course and for joining a course from the waitlist if space has become available.

Any student who fails to attend the first two classes in a course for which there is a waitlist and who has not otherwise contacted the faculty member by the end of the second class (or the first meeting for classes scheduled to meet only once per week) to confirm enrollment will be officially dropped from the course if a request from the instructor is received by the registrar before the drop/add deadline. (See the Class Attendance policy.)

See the Drop/Add policy for changes to registration made after the start of the term.

Last Revised: April 29, 2024

For: Faculty, Students

Last Reviewed: April 29, 2024

Maintained by: Office of the Provost