Academic Regulations & Procedures

Grading System

Carleton’s computation of Grade Point Average includes pluses and minuses, using the following numerical values. S/Cr/NC grades are not figured into the GPA.

GradePoint ValueS/Cr/NC Equivalent

Asterisks on S/Cr/NC grades (S*/Cr*/NC*) denote that the student elected to take the course on a S/Cr/NC basis; S/Cr/NC grades without an asterisk denote courses that did not have a letter-grade option. A DRP denotes a course that was dropped without penalty after the drop/add period.

Other grades that may appear on a transcript temporarily are CNT (“Continuing course,” reserved for St. Olaf courses); CI (“Continuing Integrative,” reserved for the senior integrative exercise); and EXT / EX1 / EX3 (extensions). An X grade on a transcript signifies that no grade was received by the grading deadline; in the absence of any clarification, such a “grade” becomes an F or NC.

Courses taken to fulfill specific Liberal Arts requirements must be passed with a grade of S or C- or better. Similarly, courses taken to satisfy requirements for a major or minor must be completed with a grade of S or C- or better. Required courses in the major or minor normally cannot be taken on an elective S/Cr/NC basis (see Major Field Requirements and Minors for more detail).

If you have questions about grades, contact the Registrar’s Office.

Last Revised: September 9, 2021

ECC approved revision January 17, 2024.

For: Faculty, Students

Last Reviewed: August 26, 2024

Maintained by: Office of the Provost