Academic Regulations & Procedures

Withdrawal From the College

Withdrawal After a Term:

Students may withdraw from the College after any term. Written notification must be given to the Office of the Dean of Students, and this office will advise students on procedures for withdrawal. Readmission requests should also be submitted to this office.

Suspension or Dismissal for Insufficient Academic Progress

The College may suspend or dismiss a student for insufficient academic progress at the end of any term if, in the judgment of the Academic Standing Committee (ASC), their cumulative record indicates an inability to fulfill college requirements. Students whose record indicates a precipitous decline may also be suspended. The suspended student will be required to remain out for at least two terms and fulfill the requirements for readmission set by the ASC. The dismissed student (typically a student who has had a prior academic suspension) is normally not considered eligible for readmission.

Withdrawal During a Term/Term Amnesty

A student may petition the ASC to withdraw during an academic term when it seems that staying at Carleton would be neither productive nor worthwhile. In this case, the student’s transcript will indicate that they withdrew during the term, along with the date of withdrawal. The term would not count as one of the 12 terms allowed for graduation (although it will use one term of allotted financial aid monies). Students so withdrawing are generally required to be away from Carleton for a minimum of two terms before readmission will be considered. Requirements for readmission would be determined by the ASC. Students considering this option should consult with their class dean.

Students who withdraw without penalty will be billed for the appropriate portion of their comprehensive fee. Students eligible for financial aid will have the appropriate portion of their financial aid applied to their account and, as such, will use one of their 12 terms of financial aid eligibility.

Unofficial Withdrawal

In the event a student leaves campus without notifying the institution, all efforts are taken to reestablish contact. In the unlikely event contact is not reestablished, the institution will consider this to be an unofficial withdrawal from the College. The last date of academic activity will be used as the effective date of the withdrawal.

See also satisfactory academic progress

For: Faculty, Students

Last Reviewed: September 9, 2021

Maintained by: Office of the Provost