Academic Regulations & Procedures

Graduation Requirements

A complete listing of graduation requirements can be found in the Academic Catalog. Students are responsible for fulfilling these requirements and are encouraged to consult with their academic advisers and resident assistants in planning their course schedules. Students are required to check their online transcript and progress toward degree report each term for completeness and accuracy. Questions should be directed to the Registrar’s Office.

Briefly, students must earn at least 210 credits with a minimum grade point average of 2.0 to graduate.

Students must complete the Argument and Inquiry Seminar, which includes a writing rich experience; six credits of additional writing rich (WR2) coursework, a writing portfolio, 36 credits in Curricular Exploration and Intellectual Engagement, four (4) terms of physical education, proficiency in a foreign language, three courses designated as quantitative reasoning encounters (QRE), six credits each in international studies and intercultural domestic studies, all courses required for the major (all of the above with grades of S or C- or better) and a comprehensive examination or senior integrative exercise.  Transfer students will typically be required to substitute a second WR2 course for the A&I seminar.

In June of each year the Academic Standing Committee (ASC) makes a final review of the records of all seniors. The ASC may permit 12th term seniors who have not completed all degree requirements to participate in the commencement ceremony that year. Students who are required to return to Carleton to complete their degrees are not eligible to participate in commencement.

In all cases, the ASC determines which students are required to return to Carleton to complete their degrees and which students are required to complete their work elsewhere.  Normally, the student who begins their 12th and final term at Carleton without being theoretically able to complete the degree should be prepared to complete the remaining work at another institution following the current regulation for transfer of credit. In some cases–for example when the student must complete the senior integrative exercise or courses required for the major–the student may be required to complete additional work at Carleton, or may be suspended or dismissed. When a student has made up all deficiencies in graduation requirements, the degree is awarded. The student is eligible to participate in commencement the following June, unless the student has already been allowed to walk at an earlier commencement.

A student who has declared their major, has passed the writing portfolio, and wishes to graduate in less than 12 terms may signal that intention by submitting to the registrar a copy of their degree audit and the Request to Accelerate Graduation form, approved by the student’s major adviser(s) and major department chair(s), confirming that the proposed program is feasible. All graduation requirements must be satisfied by the end of the accelerated final term or the student will be required to register for an additional full-time term.

See also satisfactory academic progress, latin honors at graduation and writing requirement.

Last Revised: January 10, 2023

For: Faculty, Students

Last Reviewed: January 13, 2023

Maintained by: Office of the Provost