Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowships to Assist Research and Artistic Creation are intended for men and women who have already demonstrated exceptional capacity for productive scholarship or exceptional creative ability in the arts. Guggenheim Fellowships are made to selected individuals made for a minimum of six months and a maximum of twelve months. The average amount of Fellowship grants in the 2008 United States and Canada competition was approximately $43,200. Since the purpose of the Guggenheim Fellowship program is to help provide Fellows with blocks of time in which they can work with as much creative freedom as possible, grants are made freely. No special conditions attach to them, and Fellows may spend their grant funds in any manner they deem necessary to their work. Applications and accompanying documents from citizens and permanent residents of the United States and Canada should be submitted via the Foundation’s online system no later than September 15. For more information, contact Christopher Tassava (x5833 or ctassava) or go to the program webpage.