Helpful forms or templates for the proposal submission process
Budget template
Use this Google spreadsheet template to create your budget.
Data Management Plans
A set of sample DMPs from successful NSF applications by Carleton faculty are available in this mini-archive.
Certification of RUI/ROA Eligibility
This certification applies to an RUI (Research in Undergraduate Institutions) ask from the NSF (National Science Foundation).
Compliance & Disclosure Form
For internal use, a Compliance and Disclosure form is to be completed for any proposal submitted to a federal agency. Click on this Link to OnBase Form and log in using your Carleton credentials; OR print and complete this compliance document, then scan and email to Carleton’s Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI) policy is in the Faculty Handbook.
External Proposal Approval Form
This ESSENTIAL approval step is to be completed with each external proposal in the 48 hours prior to submission. Grants office personnel initiate the form (External Template Proposal Form), and approvers — generally the applicant’s department chair, the business office grants manager, and the associate provost — get an automated email with instructions.
Subaward vs. Contract Determination
When Carleton acts as a pass-through entity for a federally funded grant, use this checklist to determine and document whether an outside organization is participating in the project as a subrecipient or a contractor.
Supplier Selection Form
Complete this form when your proposal ask from a federal agency is for any grant-funded purchases (goods or services) over $10,000 per single piece of equipment or instance of purchase.