Alex Knodell awarded NSF RUI grant for archaeological fieldwork

10 February 2022
Alex Knodell

Alex Knodell, Associate Professor of Classics and Director of Archaeology, is the recipient of a National Science Foundation (NSF #2150873) Research for Undergraduate Institutions (RUI) grant, “RUI: Relationship between Area Size and Population History.” Over two years, Prof. Knodell and colleagues will carry out archaeological fieldwork and lidar-based remote sensing research in order to understand the history of occupation and use across 30 small, currently uninhabited islands in the Cycladic Archipelago of Greece. The project builds upon and expands Knodell’s previous work with the Small Cycladic Islands Project and will create opportunities for undergraduate researchers to join an international team of scholars. The project will produce a series of interdisciplinary analyses of island landscapes and new insights into human and natural history.