For IRB Members, and PI and undergraduate researchers

Carleton subscribes to online training for Human Subjects Research through the CITI – Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative program.

To register and log in:

If you are a returning user, at the CITI website enter your username and password and click Log In. Select the curriculum or module desired.

If you are a new user, go to the CITI website to register. Detailed instructions with screenshots can be accessed via this New Learners link. Specific instructions for Carleton’s IRB are below.

Start by clicking on the “Register” button located in the blue Log In box to the right of the main homepage content at the CITI Program website.

  1. In the “Select Your Organization Affiliation” section, type “Carleton” into the search box and select the “Carleton College” option; in the “Search for organization” space, click the “I AGREE” box; and “Continue to Step 2.”
  2. Enter your first and last name along with your email address. 
  3. Choose a username and password for your account. Please follow the on-screen instructions for the expected parameters of each field. Passwords are case sensitive. You’ll also select and answer a security question.
  4. Provide demographic information (if desired; this step is voluntary).
  5. Select “No” toward the bottom of this page that addresses Continuing Education credits; this is not applicable to Carleton learners. 
  6. Provide information requested by Carleton College. Note that a red * indicates a required field; the others you may leave blank. Since there is presently no good option for most IRB members under “Role in Research,” at this time please choose “Research Administrator.” For community members who are not affiliated with a college department, please write in “Community member,” and use of your personal email (instead of the asked for “institutional email” is good.
  7. On this “Select Curriculum” page, scroll down the page to “Human Subjects Research” and choose “IRB Members” or scroll to “IRB Chair” (the rest of this full page can be skipped over).

You will now be able to access the Main Menu of your account. You’ll be asked to Complete The Integrity Assurance Statement before beginning the course and then able to click on the required and supplemental modules appropriate to this committee. Once you have completed a module, a completion date and score will appear in the appropriate row.

 For further assistance, you may want to refer to the Guide to CITI Navigation.

Note: On the Main Menu page, there is the option to click on “Add a Course or Update Learner Groups” to get to the menu of available courses appropriate to your role (if you also serve on another committee or want access to other topics, such as Human Subjects Research or Responsible Conduct of Research).