Star Name Star # Planet Star #
Pollux 81 Mercury 901
Regulus 100 Venus 901
Mizar 137 Moon 903
Spica 138 Mars 904
Arcturus 147 Jupiter 905
Vega 214 Saturn 906
Albireo 223 Uranus 907
Altair 226 Neptune 908
Deneb 232 Pluto 909
Alpheratz 1
Algol 24
Aldebaran 33
Rigel 41
Capella 42
Betelgeuse 56
Sirius 67
Antares 177


How to Access Other Object Libraries

The Messier and CNGC catalogues have their own buttons on the hand paddle, but they are not the only information libraries available.  To access other libraries, for example the IC catalogue, simply do the following

Hit the “CNGC” button, followed by “Enter”
Select the database you want from the list that comes up.

Pushing “CNGC” will initially show what catalogue is currently in use.  Available databases are:

15,928 SAO stars – all stars brighter than 7th magnitude
12, 921 UGC objects (galaxies)
7,840 NGC objects
5,386 IC objects
21,815 GCVS variable stars
110 Messier objects