The 2016 Golden Schillers is the 14th annual student-produced short film festival held at Carleton College. The festival began in 2002 as DVDFest with nine films, and has grown to be one of the highest attended and most anticipated events during Winter term. The largest festival was in 2006 with 37 films submitted.

*** If you missed the February 10th registration deadline — don’t worry! If you still are interested in submitting, please do so by emailing Jane Kelly ***

All Carleton students are encouraged to submit their work. Films are judged not only by the student audience, but also by an “expert” panel of judges, comprised of Carleton staff, faculty, and students. While the Festival has ebbed and flowed over the years with the change of technology, the principle of the festival remains the same – an arena for any student who wants to make a film, regardless of major or prior experience. Students can experiment with cameras and editing to ultimately showcase their film to the Carleton community.

This year the event will be held on Friday, February 26, 2016 (8th Week) at 8:00 p.m. in the Weitz Cinema. This year will also be a reception prior to the event at 7:15 p.m. Come to the reception learn more about each film and enjoy some hot chocolate with tasty toppings.

In past years, the festival was put on by the Carleton Macintosh User Group and sponsored by Apple. Since then the festival has grown to encompass student-made films which employ any and all software, and Student Activities and PEPS have kept the tradition alive.

If you have any questions, please contact the Student Activities Office in Sayles 160 or email Jane Kelly, Art & Film Program Assistant.

Happy film making!

See the winning entries.

Many thanks to the student filmmakers, judges, and sponsors of the Golden Schillers Student Film Festival: ITS, PEPS, and the Student Activities Office. Thanks also to Jon Kittaka ’13 for website design.