Take Charge of your Study Abroad Experience
The Carleton Global Engagement Programs attract students who bring a sense of purpose to their study abroad experience. Carleton believes that purposeful study abroad experiences are founded on five qualities.
1. In-Depth Exploration with Faculty Experts
Carleton’s programs are designed for students who want to take a deep dive into the people, places, texts, and history of the subject areas. Scratching the surface is not sufficient.
2. Interdisciplinary Curriculum
Liberal arts learning is a cornerstone of the Carleton curriculum and its off-campus study programming. Each program’s coursework embraces the perspectives of a variety of academic disciplines.
3. Cultural Engagement
Students engage with the local culture in an environment of challenge and support. Local faculty and program staff, community and civic leaders, activists and researchers, neighbors and friends, share their insights, customs, and concerns.
4. Integrated Research
Carleton lifts up research as an essential habit of the mind. Each program requires coursework on research methodologies, ethics, design, and field work.
5. Academic Excellence
Academic excellence in the context of the Carleton Global Engagement Programs means a continuous dialogue between theory and practice, experiential learning and classroom discussions, realities studied and lived.