Thank You! to the 15,696 alumni, parents, faculty, staff, and friends who gave $33,654,252 to Carleton in 2013-2014.
By the Numbers
- Total Gifts: $33,654,252
- Annual Fund: 11,808 donors, 47 percent participation
- Volunteers: 2,440 volunteers
Annual Giving Highlights
The Alumni Annual Fund raised $6,861,543 for Carleton, including matching gifts from alumni—a new record for the Fund! This represents contributions from 11,808, or 47 percent, of alumni.
Total annual giving reached $7,715,409, including gifts and matching contributions for the Parents and Friends Funds. One hundred percent of currently serving Carleton trustees contributed to the Annual Fund, and, including trustee emeriti, contributed $1,174,345. Key to these efforts: more than 500 alumni and parent volunteers who reached out on behalf of the Annual Fund.
Reunion Giving Highlights
Reunion classes from 1939 to 2009 raised $2,061,344 in gifts for the 2014 Alumni Annual Fund with 54 percent participation on average. We welcomed 1,574 alumni and 934 family and friends for the weekend.
Class Records to Celebrate:
- The Class of 1954 set new 60th reunion records for their Alumni Annual Fund gift, participation, and reunion attendance — a rare trifecta for a reunion class.
- Thanks to an ambitious challenge in honor of their 40th reunion, the Class of 1974 raised the largest Alumni Annual Fund gift of any class outside the 25th and 50th, with $387,424.
- The Class of 2009 had the largest number of donors — 287 — of all classes, and hit 54 percent participation. They came close to breaking the 5th reunion attendance record with 277 classmates (52%) on campus, the largest number ever to return for their first reunion.
- The Class of 2014 set a new Senior Gift record for support of the Alumni Annual Fund in both dollars raised ($7,639) and graduating seniors participating (65%).
50th Reunion
The Class of 1964 celebrated their 50th reunion and their lifelong commitment to the College with a total gift of $23.7 million, 91 percent participation, and 76 Joseph Lee Heywood Society Members. These accomplishments set new 50th reunion records for both participation and Heywood members!
25th Reunion
The Class of 1989 set a 25th reunion gift record of $1.45 million! The Alumni Annual Fund portion of this gift was $380,000, more than triple the previous year’s giving, which triggered a $50,000 challenge match for a total current year AAF gift of $430,196.