It’s this sense of community that those who support the college—and especially members of the Joseph Lee Heywood Society—nurture and sustain.
Your generous planned gifts evince a special level of support for Carleton and an abiding belief in its mission to provide the best liberal arts education to talented and diverse students far into the future.
We both love Carleton,” Gurung says. “It was absolutely a no-brainer to join the Heywood Society because Martha and I both feel strongly that it’s important to think about these things now rather than when we’re 75 or 80.”
Beverly Hargraves ’71 is quick to brush aside the idea that she’s a pioneer. “I was used to doing what I was interested in,” she says. “I wasn’t raised to worry about what other people were saying.” Still, she was one of the first women from Carleton to earn a PhD in math, breaking new ground for women in her discipline.
This spring members of the Joseph Lee Heywood Society had a special opportunity to increase the impact of their planned giving through Carleton’s Every Carl for Access Challenge.
Members of the Heywood Society have let the college know 1,913 planned gifts have yet to come to Carleton — when they do, they’re expected to bring more than $322 million to benefit the Carleton community.
Watch the 2021 Heywood Society Virtual Event with a special presentation by associate professor of psychology, Julia Strand!