Posts tagged with “Lessons” (All posts)

University of Chicago Undergraduate Germanic Studies Conference 2022: Klimapolitik und die Koalition

1 February 2022

The University of Chicago is hosting an online undergraduate Germanic Studies Conference where students will discuss public policy in the context of the new German government’s climate agenda. Students are…

Schnitzeljagd: Nachhaltigkeit auf dem Campus

8 July 2021

Description For this small project students are given a sustainability map of campus, featuring between 4 – 6 stations. Using the German language map, students navigate to each station, where…

Schmutzige Wäsche / Dirty Laundry

10 June 2021

Adapted from the film Schmutzige Wäsche – Umweltkiller Mode, and re-adapted from the Doku So zerstören unsere Klamotten die Umwelt. WDR 2019, Das Erste, Doku

Recycling im Unterricht

3 March 2021

In this short exercise students engage with their immediate everyday environment to learn about recycling.

Green German Project from the University of Minnesota

2 March 2021

Target Level: B1-B2 Description: The Green German Project, completed by faculty and students at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities, offers a wide range of materials for teaching environmental topics…

Creative environmental communication project

20 February 2021

Target Level: B2 Description: This project first guides students to examine a number of creative videos dealing with environmental topics. Then, in a small-group project, students create their own videos.…

Wie wird Papier gemacht?

18 February 2021

This set of exercises combines hands-on and situated learning with structured practice with the passive voice.

Schnitzeljagd: Nachhaltigkeit auf dem Campus

3 February 2021

In this small class project, students learn about sustainability-related practices on campus through German activities posted at stations across your university.

Woher kommt der Kaffee?

2 February 2021

How can students in first-year language courses learn about the complex systems behind everyday consumption?