Major Requirements

66 credits, including the following:

Students who have done advanced work in a different field may petition to substitute a comparable methods course in another department. Approval of the advisor and permission of the instructor is required.

  • 12 credits of courses in German numbered GERM 300 or higher
  • 24 elective credits of courses in German or courses in English related to German culture (these may include GERM 204 or GERM 205, as well as courses in related fields outside the German Department)
  • CCST 233: The Art of Translation in the Age of the Machine · not offered in 2024-25
  • HIST 250: Modern Germany · not offered in 2024-25
  • HIST 346: The Holocaust · not offered in 2024-25
  • LING 232: Structure and History of German · not offered in 2024-25
  • 6 credits for the Integrative Exercise (comps)

Courses 101, 102, and 103 do not count toward the major. AP, IB or other pre-matriculation credits do not count toward the major.

Programs Abroad: Participation in Carleton German Programs or in another approved foreign study program is highly recommended for students majoring in German. Students interested in a program abroad that is not affiliated with Carleton should consult with a faculty member in German and with the Director of Off-Campus Studies as well as the Registrar.

Language Houses: Students have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the language by living in the Parish International House where they can organize and participate in numerous cultural activities led by German-speaking language associate. Other activities outside the classroom include a German lunch table in the dining halls, film nights, Kaffeeklatsch, a German study table in the library, “Cook and Study” events, and many more.

Students wishing to declare a double major must obtain the approval of the chairs of the two departments concerned and petition the Academic Standing Committee (ASC), showing the plan for the two majors. There is no deadline to declare a second major but students should be aware that Comps have to be finished before Spring term of senior year, so plan with us accordingly.

Interested in a German Major? Contact the German Major Coordinator Professor Juliane Schicker.

Carleton’s Major Field Requirements and substitutions are found here.