September 2022
Tue 13
- 4:30pm German Stammtisch in the libe! - 2h
Tue 20
- 4:30pm German Stammtisch in the libe! - 2h
Thu 22
- 4:00pm Welcome Back Kaffee und Kuchen - 1h
Tue 27
- 4:30pm German Stammtisch in the libe! - 2h
Fri 30
- 7:00pm Join us for German Movie Night - 2h
October 2022
Tue 4
- 4:30pm German Stammtisch in the libe! - 2h
Sun 9
- 6:00pm German Crafting Basteln - 2h
Tue 11
- 4:30pm German Stammtisch in the libe! - 2h
- 6:00pm Soccer game! France vs. Germany - 2h
Tue 18
- 4:30pm German Stammtisch in the libe! - 2h
Fri 21
- 4:30pm Bake your own Lebkuchenherzen (gingerbread hearts) - 1h 30m
Tue 25
- 4:30pm German Stammtisch in the libe! - 2h
Wed 26
- 7:00pm Make Chestnut Talisman - 2h
November 2022
Tue 1
- 4:30pm German Stammtisch in the libe! - 2h
- 7:00pm Lantern Procession - 2h
Sun 6
- 6:00pm Lantern Procession 2 - 2h
Tue 8
- 4:30pm German Stammtisch in the libe! - 2h
Tue 15
- 4:30pm German Stammtisch in the libe! - 2h
January 2023
Tue 10
- 12:00pm German Lunch Table - 1h
Thu 12
- 12:00pm German Lunch Table - 1h
Mon 16
Tue 17
- 12:00pm German Lunch Table - 1h
- 3:00pm Textwerkstatt - 2h
Thu 19
- 12:00pm German Lunch Table - 1h
Mon 23
- 7:00pm International Film Forum: Romeos - 2h
Tue 24
- 12:00pm German Lunch Table - 1h
- 12:15pm Lunch Table Talk with Dr. Lindsay Preseau - 45m
- 3:00pm Guest Lecture: Embodied Voices, Voices Embodied: The Raciolinguistics of Multilingualism by Dr. Lindsay Preseau - 1h 30m
- 3:00pm Textwerkstatt - 2h
Thu 26
- 12:00pm German Lunch Table - 1h
Tue 31
- 12:00pm German Lunch Table - 1h
- 3:00pm Textwerkstatt - 2h
February 2023
Thu 2
- 12:00pm German Lunch Table - 1h
- 3:30pm Stammtisch - 2h
Fri 3
- 7:00pm Spieleabend - 2h
Tue 7
- 12:00pm German Lunch Table - 1h
- 3:00pm Textwerkstatt - 2h
Thu 9
- 12:00pm German Lunch Table - 1h
- 3:30pm Stammtisch - 2h
Mon 13
- 7:00pm Beuteltier - 2h
Tue 14
- 12:00pm German Lunch Table - 1h
- 3:00pm Textwerkstatt - 2h
Thu 16
- 12:00pm German Lunch Table - 1h
- 3:30pm Stammtisch - 2h
Fri 17
- 9:30pm Après-Ski Party - 1h 30m
Tue 21
- 12:00pm German Lunch Table - 1h
- 3:00pm Textwerkstatt - 2h
Wed 22
- 4:30pm German Studies in Austria Info Session - 1h
Thu 23
- 12:00pm German Lunch Table - 1h
- 3:30pm Stammtisch - 2h
Sat 25
- 4:00pm International Winter Market - 1h 30m
- 7:00pm Fasching / Mardi Gras Karaoke - 2h
Tue 28
- 12:00pm German Lunch Table - 1h
- 3:00pm Textwerkstatt - 2h
March 2023
Thu 2
- 12:00pm German Lunch Table - 1h
- 3:30pm Stammtisch - 2h
Mon 6
- 7:00pm Spielabend - 2h
Tue 7
- 12:00pm German Lunch Table - 1h
- 3:00pm Textwerkstatt - 2h
Thu 9
- 12:00pm German Lunch Table - 1h
Tue 28
- 5:00pm Stammtisch - 1h
Thu 30
- 3:00pm Textwerkstatt - 2h
Fri 31
- 4:00pm Kaffeeklatsch - 1h
April 2023
Tue 4
- 5:00pm Stammtisch - 1h
Thu 6
- 3:00pm Textwerkstatt - 2h
Fri 7
- 4:00pm Kaffeeklatsch - 1h
Tue 11
- 5:00pm Stammtisch - 1h
Thu 13
- 3:00pm Textwerkstatt - 2h
- 5:00pm Anton Wilhelm Amo: the African Philosopher in 18th Century Germany - 1h 15m
Fri 14
- 4:00pm Kaffeeklatsch - 1h
Tue 18
- 5:00pm Stammtisch - 1h
Thu 20
- 3:00pm Textwerkstatt - 2h
Fri 21
- 4:00pm Kaffeeklatsch - 1h
Mon 24
- 7:00pm International Game Night - 2h
Tue 25
- 5:00pm Stammtisch - 1h
Thu 27
- 3:00pm Textwerkstatt - 2h
Fri 28
- 4:00pm Kaffeeklatsch - 1h
Sat 29
- 9:00pm International Karaoke Night - 1h
May 2023
Tue 2
- 5:00pm Stammtisch - 1h
Wed 3
- 5:30pm Poetry Without Borders - 1h
Thu 4
- "Democracy will win!" Exhibition (begins)
- 3:00pm Textwerkstatt - 2h
Fri 5
- 4:00pm Kaffeeklatsch - 1h
Sun 7
- 11:00am Democracy Will Win Exhibit Opening Reception - 2h
Tue 9
- 5:00pm Stammtisch - 1h
Thu 11
- 3:00pm Textwerkstatt - 2h
Fri 12
- 4:00pm Kaffeeklatsch - 1h
- 6:00pm Walpurgis Night/Hexennacht - 2h
Tue 16
- 5:00pm Stammtisch - 1h
Thu 18
- 3:00pm Textwerkstatt - 2h
Fri 19
- 4:00pm Kaffeeklatsch - 1h
Tue 23
- 5:00pm Stammtisch - 1h
Thu 25
- 12:00pm German Student Appreciation Picnic - 1h
- 3:00pm Textwerkstatt - 2h
Fri 26
- 4:00pm Kaffeeklatsch - 1h
Mon 29
- 8:30pm German Slang Workshop - 1h 30m
Tue 30
- 5:00pm Stammtisch - 1h
Wed 31
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2025 Winter Term • Week 3