Jan 26
Film Showing: Die Architekten (The Architects)
FILM SHOWING: Sunday Jan 26, 7-9pm Boliou 104
Die Architekten. Directed by Peter Kahane, DEFA, 1989/1990. (97 mins)
Prof. Schicker's GERM 320 course, "Life under Socialism," screens Die Architekten (The Architects), (97mins, German with English subtitles), a film about a young and enthusiastic architect, Daniel, who has high hopes as he pulls a team together to design a vibrant community space for a new housing development in the German Democratic Republic. When their nonconformist plans are rejected by the state's bureaucrats, he starts to feel alienated, his team members grow more distant, and even his wife becomes despondent. She asks for a divorce and leaves for West Germany with their daughter to be with a new partner. Daniel knows that he won’t be able to see his daughter again and he is left to wonder what happened to his country and its people.
This film is one of the last films that was produced in the German Democratic Republic and is thus a fascinating witness of history! It is a film portraying a GDR that was still behind the Iron Curtain - while the Iron Curtain was falling in the real world. Come join us to see how that all went down!
Film in German with English subtitles. Content warning: nudity and sexual intimacy. This film is a requirement for the students of GERM 320 and part of the curriculum.
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