Carleton College Geology Department houses an outstanding suite of analytical instruments. These instruments are utilized by introductory and upper-level geology classes, as well as students and faculty for research. 

To inquire about academic and non-academic use of facilities, email Jonathon Cooper to discuss your needs and to complete necessary instrument and lab safety training.

X-ray Diffractometer

The Geology department houses an PANalytical Empyrean multipurpose X-ray diffractometer. This platform is equipped with pre-aligned PreFIX modules for the analysis of powders, thin films, nanomaterials and solid objects, gels, liquid dispersions.

System applications:

  • Phase identification (powders, thin films,
  • Phase quantification
  • Crystallinity determination
  • Small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS)
  • Structural refinement
  • Non-ambient condition measurement (Anton Paar temperature-humidity controlled chamber)
  • Thin film analysis
  • Orientation analysis
  • Computed tomography & radiography
  • Micro-diffraction 
  • Texture and stress analysis

System Capabilities: 

  • Maximum usable range: -111˚ <2Θ <168°
  • 2Θ linearity ≥ 0.01˚
  • Non-ambient measurements (Anton Parr temperature-humidity controlled chamber)

Students, faculty and staff who want to use the X-ray diffractometer, must first attend training with Jonathon Cooper. The training will focus on safety and operating procedures for the Empyrean.   

To sign up for instrument time, use the calendar to determine when the instrument is available from 6am – 10pm, Monday thru Friday in 2 hour blocks – make an appointment here. To inquire about non-academic usage, please email Jonathon Cooper and Cameron Davidson.

Scanning Electron Microscopy Laboratory

The Geology department utilizes a JEOL IT500HR FESEM equipped with an Oxford X-Max EDS, Oxford Symmetry EBSD system and Delmic SPARC CL detection systems. To sign up for instrument time, use the calendar to determine when the instrument is available from 8 am–10 pm, Monday thru Friday in 2-hour blocks — make an appointment. To inquire about non-academic usage, please email Jonathon Cooper and Cameron Davidson


  • JEOL IT500HR Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope
  • Oxford Aztec X-ray Energy Dispersive Spectrometer
  • Oxford Aztec Symmetry Electron Backscatter Diffraction Detector
  • Delmic SPARC Cathlodoluminescence Detector

JEOL IT500HR Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope

The instrument is capable of imaging specimens at high vacuum and also in a variable pressure range from 1-270 Pa. This allows non-conducting specimens to be imaged without coating with a conductive film. There is a secondary electron detector for use in high vacuum only, and backscattered and absorbed electron detectors, which can be used in both high vacuum and variable pressure modes.

  • Detectors: Secondary, Backscattered
  • High resolution secondary electron image resolution: 1.5nm (HV mode only)
  • Low vacuum backscattered electron image resolution: 1.8nm
  • Magnification range: 5x – 600000x
  • LV pressure range: 10 – 150Pa
  • Maximum specimen size: 150mm diameter x 20mm high
  • Specimen Tilt/Rotation: -10 – 90 degrees, 360 degree rotation
  • 5-axis specimen stage limits: 125mm (X), 100mm (Y)

Oxford Aztec EDS – Chemical analysis

  • X-Max80 SDD EDS Detector
  • Detector capable of detecting Be to Pu
  • EDS analysis at a point, box or over user-defined regions
  • EDS Large area mapping

Delmic Sparc Compact – Cathodoluminescence Imaging System

  • Sensitive to ultraviolet, visible and near infrared wavelengths enabling panchromatic cathodoluminescence imaging of a wide range of minerals, ceramics, and other materials
  • Use to reveal macro- and micro-texture in sedimentary rocks including: sediment source, degree of compaction, diagenetic history, differentiation of authigenic and detrital minerals, cementation history, and provenance

To sign up for instrument time, use the calendar to determine when the instrument is available from 6 am – 10 pm, Monday thru Friday in 2-hour blocks – make an appointment. To inquire about non-academic usage, please email Jonathon Cooper and Cameron Davidson