Missouri State University and the Department of Geography, Geology and Planning invites senior undergraduate and early M.S. and Ph.D. students to attend a two week short term study away opportunity/ field course focused on the volcanology and igneous petrology of the Central Andes of northern and central Chile. Registration is on a first-come, first-serve basis, so interested students are encouraged to apply early.
3 credits, dates July 17 – July 31, 2017, Fee: $4,090 plus in-state tuition
-Fee includes transportation to/in Chile, lodging, and all meals. Airfare to/from Chile is included.
-Tuition: $610 for undergraduate credit; $804 for graduate credit; not included in program fee
-Instate tuition waiver will be given to all out-of-state students
-Enrollment limited to 18 students
This project-driven field experience will provide an introduction to geologic mapping and volcanology and will explore active volcanic centers in the Central Andes of Chile between Ollagüe south to San Pedro de Atacama. The main target of this course is to cope with the challenge of mapping in poorly-exposed/difficult volcanic areas and to discuss and illustrate mapping approaches and methodology in an active volcanic setting. Subjects that will be considered include: intermediate and rhyolitic lava flows and ash flow tuffs, ignimbrites and calderas, volcano monitoring and hazard assessment, and geotourism in volcanic areas. Students will undertake two major mapping projects and a number of shorter physical volcanology projects. Projects will be conducted on active volcanic systems, in Pleistocene and Holocene volcanic fields, and in the older Miocene volcanic stratigraphy.
For Visiting Students or Guests (non-degree-seeking students, including students enrolled at another institution, post-baccalaureate students, and other interested community members): Visiting students must pay the entire cost of the program through the Study Away Storefront by the payment deadline. Course tuition will be billed by the University and is paid at the Bursar’s Office or online. Non-MSU students should complete the “Study Away Enrollment Form for Visiting Students” found on their online application. These students do not need to complete a degree seeking MSU Application for Admission or pay an admission fee.
Additional information and registration form at: https://missouristate-sa.terradotta.com/index.cfm?FuseAction=Programs.ViewProgram&Program_ID=11036
Course/academic questions, please contact:
Gary Michelfelder, Missouri State University, GaryMichelfelder@MissouriState.edu
Registration/business questions, please contact:
MSU Study Away Office, Missouri State University, studyaway@missouristate.edu