Annual field trips at active volcanoes of Alaska and Kamchatka

7 January 2019

We would like to invite you to our annual field trips at active volcanoes of Alaska and Kamchatka. The trips are scheduled for the following dates.

Katmai, Alaska: June 2-15, 2019

Mutnovsky/Gorely, Kamchatka: August 12-26, 2019

The trips are best suited for graduate and undergraduate students interested in volcanology and prepared for strenuous field works in harsh environment. Detailed information and application forms are available.

Additional information can be found at our Facebook page.

Applications are accepted on the continuous basis until all vacancies are filled. Please share this information with students, who might be interested in joining us.

Pavel Izbekov
Geophysical Institute
2156 Koyukuk Drive
Fairbanks, Alaska 99775
+1-907-474-5269 (office)

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