
Professor of Geology
Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia, B.S.; University of Utah, M.S., Ph.D. Dr. Haileab’s main teaching responsibilities are mineralogy and petrology. His research interests are in volcanic ashes and Hominid evolution in East Africa. Bereket’s home page

Carleton, B.A.; Michigan (Ann Arbor), M.Sc.; Queen’s University (Canada), Ph.D. Dr. Cowan’s main teaching responsibilities are sedimentology and stratigraphy, introductory geology and paleontology. He also teaches a seminar in chaos and non-linear dynamics in the earth sciences. His research interests are in Lower Paleozoic carbonate rocks, and modern carbonate environments
Wisconsin (Madison), B.S.; Princeton, Ph.D. Dr. Davidson’s main teaching responsibilities are Introduction to Geology, Mineralogy, Petrology, and Structural Geology. His current research focuses on the tectonometamorphic evolution of south-central and Southeast Alaska.
Oberlin College, B.A; University of Wisconsin-Madison, M.S.; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Ph.D. Dr. Titus teaches introduction to geology, tectonics, structural geology and geophysics. Her current research is focused on deformation across large strike-slip faults including the San Andreas fault in central California. Sarah’s web page.

Western Washington University, B.S. has experience in geological field work, thin-section and sample preparation, and geological analytical techniques.
Administrative Assistant in Geology – Temporary
Emeriti Faculty

Carleton, B.A.; California (Berkeley), M.A., Ph.D. Dr. Savina teaches geomorphology, geology of soils, hydrology, and environmental geology. She is active in the Archaeology and Environmental Studies programs and is also the geology department liaison for students seeking teacher certification in earth sciences. Her professional work centers on geological education and on the archaeology of Greece.