May 19
Third Annual Geology Art Show (GART)
Fri, May 19, 2023
• 4:00pm
- 5:00pm (1h) • Anderson 128 - Geology Spaces
Sending the loveliest invitation to all Geology Majors and Geology Friends to our
Third Annual Geology Art Show (GART).
It's another spring term, YOU know what is going on. This is the time when we all gather to submit wonderful pieces of art and appreciate them all in a showcase!
Ground rules:
1. Everyone is invited AND required to attend <3
2. Please submit (vaguely geo-related) art (fig 1) !!! (Also Required) (Due to CRYSTAL on the 15th of MAY; please bring it to the major's room long table and email electronically if you have questions)
3. Original horizontality, superposition, cross-cutting relationships, you get it.
Important Details:
When: May 19th at 4 pm (Friday)
Where: Major's Room (Room in between the computer lab and intro room)
How: 1) Enter through the major's room from the atrium by scanning your one card
2) Enter through the major's room from the door by the museum
3) Enter through the computer room by scanning your one card.
Why: There are so many reasons, but we summed it up to ANDERSONITE
Needs to be
Ready to
This Month!
Event Contact: Tami Little
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