The Gender, Women’s and Sexuality Studies program provides an interdisciplinary meeting ground for exploring questions about women, gender and sexuality that are transforming knowledge across disciplinary lines in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities. The program explores the intersections of gender with class, sexuality, ethnicity and race as central to social and cultural analysis.

Can I major in it?

Both a major and a minor are offered.

Topics discussed:

  • Health, Reproduction and Adoption
  • Globalization, War and Militarism
  • Women in Literature
  • Women’s History
  • Transnational Feminism
  • Gender and Sexuality in Asia, Latin America and Africa
  • Religion, Literature, Cinema and Media
  • Feminist Theory

How to get started:

Interested first-year students should start by taking GWSS 110: Introduction to Gender, Women’s & Sexuality Studies or GWSS 212: Foundations of LGBTQ Studies.

Get on our mailing list:

Send an email from your Carleton email account to Danielle Schultz to get the latest information about the GWSS program!