May 6
Organizing After Carleton: My Path to the Minneapolis Permanent Ceasefire Resolution in Gaza - Robin Wonsley '13

Join us for a public talk by GWSS alumna Robin Wonsley ‘13.
CM Wonsley currently works as a Minneapolis city council member representing Ward 2, the eastern part of Minneapolis. She will be speaking about her life in organizing and public service, including her involvement with the passing of the Minneapolis City Council resolution in “Support of Permanent Ceasefire and Preventing Loss of Human Life in the Middle East.”
Wonsley grew up in the Southside of Chicago. After graduating from Carleton, she moved to Minneapolis and began her PhD program in Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies at the University of Minnesota.
Wonsley’s career has included the University of Minnesota's Women's Center, the YMCA, the Sexual Violence Center, Alliance Housing Inc, and Education Minnesota. She has been involved in racial and economic justice organizing since the Minneapolis Police Department's murder of Jamar Clark in 2015. She has been a leader in a broad array of grassroots campaigns including efforts to increase community oversight and accountability over MPD, to block anti-protest legislation, to distribute food and mutual aid during the 2020 Uprising, to block the relocation of the 3rd Precinct in the fall of 2020, and to pass the 2021 People's Budget. Wonsley is certified in Restorative Justice practices, such as Circle Keeping and Community Conferencing, and served on the board of directors for the Restorative Justice Community Action Network (RJCA).
As a city council member, Wonsley has led policy initiatives to pass a $15 minimum wage, won historic investments in public housing, protected renters who sign pre-leases, advanced city-led sidewalk plowing, expanded the city's comprehensive public safety system beyond policing, and improved equity and transparency within city government.
This event is sponsored by Gender, Women's & Sexuality Studies, the Chaplain's Office, and the Division of Inclusion, Equity, and Community.
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