LGBTQIA+ support at Carleton isn’t limited to the GSC. In fact, many offices within Carleton provide a wide array of resources and support related to gender, sexuality, and LGBTQIA+ identities. Learn more about them below.

Career Center

The Career Center is the place to find internship and job opportunity resources for the Carleton LGBTQIA+ community. The Career Center has books, websites, and other practical information available to help you find LGBTQIA+-friendly companies and LGBTQIA+-specific organizations.

Center for Community and Civic Engagement (CCCE)

CCCE spearheads the annual SEXploration event series, which connects students to on- and off-campus resources to support sexual health and well-being in our community. Each year, SEXploration features various events focused on LGBTQIA+ identities and experiences.

College Chapel

The College Chapel provides an LGBTQIA+ community safe place on campus. The College chapel and staff are confidential resources available to anyone on campus. They offer individual support, educational activities, and often sponsor LGBTQIA+-related events, including LGBTQIA+ Chapel services to celebrate National Coming Out Day and Pride Month. The Chaplain’s Associates also co-sponsor Queer Spiritz, a queer space of community and spirituality.

Office of Health Promotion (OHP)

The Office of Health Promotion provides free menstrual products and safer sex materials (internal and external condoms) for all students in their office. OHP’s Peer Leaders, the Student Wellness Advocates (SWAs) also organize year-round workshops and resources related to sexual health and healthy relationships.

Office of Residential Life and Housing

Residential Life works proactively with LGBTQIA+ students to ensure that they feel like their residential communities are welcoming and inclusive, affording students the option to live on campus with whomever they choose, regardless of sex and/or gender identity when selecting housing. 

All students are invited to connect with Residential Life to discuss housing options to ensure they reside in a space where they feel safe in regard to their gender identity and sexual orientation. Learn more about LGBTQIA+ housing at Carleton.

Other resources that Residential Life offers include all-gender bathrooms within every residence hall, and GSC Care Kits (free menstrual and safer sex materials), which are provided in residential locations.

Student Health and Counseling (SHAC)

Student Health and Counseling staff are available to work with students in a variety of areas including LGBTQIA+ issues. In addition to offering one-on-one conversations, they have a resource library that includes books, brochures, and videos on LGBTQIA+ topics.