Building a supportive learning community through mentoring
The FOCUS Mentor Program provides peer mentorship in science and math courses for FOCUS students, by FOCUS students.
FOCUS Mentors are coaches for students currently enrolled in science or math courses. Using a mentor is a great way to feel more comfortable in a challenging course. Mentors are course specific: having already taken the class, FOCUS mentors have insight into useful, course-specific study techniques, faculty knowledge, and course structure.
Peer mentorship is provided for all 100 and 200-level science and math courses, with mentors available upon request for 300-level courses. FOCUS students take a wide range of classes and sometimes it’s not possible to find a mentor for a specific course. If that’s the case for you, take advantage of the academic resources available to you from other programs and departments — and consider becoming a mentor for that class in the future!
All FOCUS members have the option of becoming a FOCUS Mentor after their first term at Carleton and can mentor for any science/math course they have previously taken. Mentoring is a paid work-study option, usually 1-2 hours a week, and is a wonderful opportunity to connect with other FOCUS members.
Interested in becoming a Mentor? Fill out the end-of-term FOCUS Mentors/Scholars Questionnaire and indicate which courses you would like to mentor for the coming term.
Advice from past FOCUS Mentors
Study in groups (2–3 people). That way you can teach and learn from each other.
Jeanne Moua ’17
Meet with your prof, TAs, and prefects, even if you aren’t struggling.
Lynn Barbera ’19
Find ways to study that interest you — it doesn’t have to be a terrible experience.
Daniel Kupetsky ’19