FOCUS Coordinator Ernesto Polania-Gonzalez Pre-Med Talk 2020
Link to the Google Drive video:
Previous FOCUS Coordinator shares his experience post-Carleton leading to medical school. Learn about how to pursue medical school, what it takes and if it is the right path for you.
FOCUS Summer Research Panel 2017
FOCUS Summer Research Panel 2017. Learn about how to find research opportunities, student experiences with REUs, and funding.
Dr. Dominic Travis — One Health: An Introduction to Ecosystem Health
Dr. Dominic Travis – One Health: An Introduction to Ecosystem Health
FOCUS 2017 OCS Panel
2017 FOCUS Off Campus Studies Panel. Hear about student experiences and have your questions about logistics, picking an abroad program, and funding answered!
Janet Lewis Muth on Staying Healthy
Janet Lewis Muth, Director of Health Promotion, on promoting physical and mental health.
FOCUS Colloquium: Chris Calderone on Life and Academia
Chemistry Professor Chris Caldrone talks about his path through undergrad, grad, and post-doc life, giving advice and perspectives about academia.