How to Apply for Financial Aid: International Students

For international students, your level of aid will be the same for all four years at Carleton. You do not need to annually apply for aid. Given the limited funding available to international students, Carleton will not consider new financial aid applications once you have enrolled.

Step 1: Check the box!

When you fill out your application for admission, check the box indicating that you intend to apply for financial aid. No separate form is required. Easy.

Step 2: CSS Profile OR the free International Student Application for Financial Assistance

  • CSS Profile school code: 6081 
  • Helps us determine financial need.
  • Custodial and noncustodial parents need to complete a CSS profile.
  • $25 fee.
  • Print or save your profile acknowledgment and keep it in your file.

Note: While not part of your Carleton financial aid application, all international students must submit a Certification of Finances with their application for admission. This includes students who do not apply for aid. The Certification of Finances demonstrates how much money your family can contribute to your education. Email with questions on the Certification of Finances.

NOTE: The Certification of Finances will be available on your applicant status page only after you have applied to Carleton. Once you have applied to Carleton, you will get login information for your status page and will be able to complete the form there.

Key Dates

Key Dates
October 1CSS Profile available
November 15Fall Early Decision Deadline
January 15Winter Early Decision & Regular Decision Deadline