The Student Fellowships Committee participates in the evaluation of applications for both internal (Carleton-funded) fellowships and external (national/international) opportunities such as the Fulbright US Student Program and the Watson Fellowship. The committee reads application materials, interviews students and identifies nominees for external awards, and advises the Director of Student Fellowships on policy and procedures. In addition, the Student Fellowships Committee oversees the Carleton Honors in Independent Study program. The committee does not follow a regular meeting schedule, as activities are dictated by the various deadlines for internal and external awards.

Student Fellowships Committee responsibilities are heaviest during early Fall Term, as the deadlines for a number of major awards fall between late September and mid-October. Following a demanding schedule of interviews and other activities, the committee’s activities taper off dramatically by mid-term and members are called on sporadically over the course of the academic year to review applications for internal and external awards, select and prepare nominees for external awards, and otherwise assist with work related to fellowships.