Paxton Mathias Harvieux, 21, of Stillwater, died February 28, 2014 as a result of injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident. He was born September 8, 1992 in St. Paul.
Survivors include parents, Martha Harvieux & Erich Behm; sister, Audrey Behm; grandparents, David (Kathy) Harvieux of Stillwater & Olaf (Barbara) Behm of Sheboygan, WI; godfather and great uncle, Brian Harvieux of Lake Elmo; aunts, Karen (David) Brandt of Stillwater, Sarah Harvieux (Ian Steivang) of Lake Elmo, Brooke (Ben) Decker of Castle Rock, CO, Rachel Harvieux of Madison, WI, Sonia (Don) DeBlaey of Grafton, WI, Tracy (Perry) Andropolis of Sturgeon Bay, WI; great uncles, Mark Harvieux of Stillwater, Ed Harvieux of Stillwater, Jack Williams of Chisago City, MN, Juergen (Ruth) Behm of Sheboygen, WI, Udo (Carol) Behm of Omaha, NE, Robert (Debra) Portera of Tallahassee, FL; great aunts, Doris (Karl) Roskosch of Sheboygen, WI, Katy (John) Mackinaw of Birmingham, AL, Janet Williams of Goleta,CA, Beverly Williams (John Conway) of Stillwater; cousins, Brenda Harvieux (Brian Eggert) of Hugo, MN, Megan and Jared Brandt of Stillwater, Bryce and Quinn Steivang of Lake Elmo, Adele Decker of Castle Rock, CO, Isabelle, Lydia, and Henry DeBlaey of Grafton, WI, Tiviana and Elliessa Andropolis of Sturgeon Bay, WI, Alex Harvieux of Stillwater, as well as many beloved cousins, relatives & friends.
A memorial service was held on March 8 at Stillwater Junior High. Memorials preferred to “Paxton Harvieux Memorial Fund” at TCF Bank.
A memorial service for James Adams, Michael Goodgame, and Paxton Harvieux was held in Skinner Chapel at Carleton College on April 12, 2014.
Students who lost their lives while enrolled at Carleton are commemorated in the Carleton Student Memorial.
Hi Paxton, You and I had the best job on campus as freshmen, didn't we, in the LDC. I still haven't apologized to you for spiking your powerade with hot sauce in our freshman year. Truth is, you seemed really cool, and I wanted to be your friend. And it was worth it, spiking your drink. It was thanks to you I had a blast working in the dining hall. Thanks for being such a wonderful friend, you were one of the most awesome person that I know. I still am trying to make sense of how I can't say Hi to you in person anymore. Hi Paxton, you've touched so many lives so much, and I am so grateful to have had you in my life. I miss you so much, so much.
Being a Carl and now a long-time member of the Stanford community, where these men were headed for spirited competition, adds to my emotional dissonance about this tragedy. I was not there on Sunday, March 2nd, but the Stanford Daily's front page story about this tragedy tells of a moment of silence and prayer at the field, and that much Carleton gear and colors emerged. Having myself lost my roommate while at Carleton, I know that it is not possible to make sense of this depth of loss, at that age. Ultimately I came to grips with the idea that life imposes all manner of unfairness that cannot be explained. And when it does this, we can do but one thing - go forward ourselves to live, and live better, for those who were stripped of the chance. May your family and friends and the Carleton community mourn well your young lives, and honor you with their lives from this point forward. God Bless.
Here are some insightful and thoughful words from an experienced ultimate coach and retired teacher.
What I think I know... by Tina Booth
I express my condolences to Paxton's family and friends. I did not know Paxton in my teaching, but I know Paxton's extended community of friends and teammates. Paxton will always be part of our Carleton community.
Paxton, You were an amazing manager and an even better friend. After the first few weeks of term I started to look forward to going to work, in large because of you. The silly/sassy/disgruntled/laughing/whatever looks we shared throughout the shift and whenever else we would see each other always made my day a little bit brighter. Seeing you around 4th Watson and at ultimate always lead to a funny interaction. In addition to our usually joking, lighthearted interactions with each other we always had some personal, more serious talks, and during those you were a great listener and advice giver. I miss you so much. In the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson: "Some people, like flowers, give pleasure just from being". You are one of those people.
When I think about last Friday, the events after dinner, when I found out about the accident, are of course what come to mind. But I try to remember too that I worked in the LDC, my Friday lunch shift, earlier that day with Paxton as manager. And when I think of that, I can't help but remember one event from that day at work that retrospectively makes me smile. That day I had to take my turn working alone at the Asian food station, serving a very unpopular fish stew. I was bored, so Paxton kept me company a bit when he could. About halfway through the shift, he was so bored that he took a fortune cookie, just to read his fortune (he gave me the cookie because I told him I was dying of hunger). He read the fortune, laughed a little, and showed it to me. It said, "You have great potential as a leader. Your brightness and positivity encourage others to maintain the same attitude." "That's your fortune," he said, laughing at my dour expression. I don't believe in fate or signs, but I'm glad that Paxton was told what a wonderful human being he was by someone that day. That is by far not all I would have had to say to him if I had known that was the last time I would see him, but it was a start. We miss you very much, Paxton.
Pax my man, Seems like it was yesterday we were sitting in your dorm room, playing video games, talking about girls, complaining about practice, and just enjoying each others company. I could not tell you the feeling that I had when I read your name on the news report the other day, as well as the others. In fact, I am still in disbelief such a good friend and teammate has passed. You have impacted the lives of many people, and words cannot describe how much you were loved here on campus by everyone who knew you. One thing I never got around to admit to you - In 9th grade when we played each other I'm the state tournament for basketball, I was TERRIFIED of you man. You were tall and buff and looked like an NBA player compared to me. Little did I know that you were the nicest guy and we would become great friends. You will definitely be missed, bud.
Thanks for the smile, man. I'll always love it. HONER
Paxton, You were a good manager and a great friend. You could always make me smile, and your wonderfully random questions would always make our shifts something to look forward to. I never told you, but I always felt measurably cooler sitting next to you while we ate lunch. Thank you so much. You are missed, but will never be forgotten.
Thinking of you today and missing you tremendously.