David Quanbeck died November 18, 2023, at age 85. He was a Carleton Development Officer from 1992 to 2005.
Thank you for visiting the Carleton Farewells website. We are in the process of experimenting and discerning new practices around honoring milestones. Please excuse any delays or inconsistencies during this transition. We invite you to be in touch with our chaplain, Rev. Schuyler Vogel, with any questions.
I loved working with Dave. He was instrumental in securing the funding for the Parents' Fund for Academic Excellence, and when the fund had enough money in it that it began to generate income, that income was turned over to the Dean's Office to distribute. Although it was a relatively small fund to begin with, having it made all kinds of faculty/student events possible: suddenly there were funds to take a class to hear a lecture, see a play, or attend a concert in the cities, to visit an exhibit, to have a dinner together, to hire a student short term to work on a research project. And Dave was so kind, so much fun to work with, and so inspiring in his thoughtfulness and creative thinking. I'm grateful our paths got to cross so richly. Liz Ciner