The College’s policies and procedures are published in the Campus Handbook. The handbook is an easy-to-use, comprehensive resource that students and parents should refer to first if questions about College policy arise. The following are selected excerpts from policies and procedures that may be of particular interest to parents.

Academic Programs and Policies

Well over a century ago, Carleton started promising its students a “liberal and thorough” education. That goal is embodied still in the College’s requirements for graduation, which are designed to expose students to a wide variety of disciplines, as well as to allow them to concentrate on a major subject. 

See graduation requirements for more information. 

Financial Matters

Parents of students receive information about billing directly from the Business Office in May. Students are held responsible for payment of their college fees. The student account statements are provided electronically through the secure student portal, The Hub. An email notice is sent to the student three to four weeks prior to the term due date informing them that their student account statement is available on the Hub.

It is important for parents who are paying student account fees to obtain guest access to The Hub to view payment due dates and make payments. Parent/Guest access is student-controlled and they can set up guest access accounts for parents, guardians, or other guests, allowing access to specific student records at Carleton, including the Pay On My Account option.

Note that health insurance is required for all students. Parents will receive a mailing directly from the College’s selected insurance carrier.


Carleton College is a residential liberal arts college, which means that students are required to live in College-owned housing. We offer traditional residence halls, suite-style residences, townhouses, and houses. First-year students are assigned to doubles or triples in traditional residence halls.

The College has standards, policies, and expectations that encourage a living environment which is respectful, safe, and secure. Students have many rights as well as responsibilities in the residential system. The rights to study, rest, and privacy take precedence over all other rights. Residents are expected to understand and abide by the regulations described in the Housing & Residential Living Policies and on the Community Standards Policy. Violation of stated policies will result in prescribed administrative or disciplinary actions. For more information about student housing options and residence hall policies, visit Residential Life.

Motor Vehicles

Students are not permitted to drive or maintain motor vehicles within the city limits of Northfield except to load or unload belongings at the beginning or end of each term unless they live in non-College owned housing, have less than a one-half board contract in College housing, or need transportation to employment during the term. Vehicle permits must be obtained from Security Services.

Student Misconduct

Most problems and conflicts at Carleton are resolved informally. The College’s first response to behavioral problems is ordinarily educational, not punitive. However, some actions are destructive to the quality of the living and learning community and are consequently codified in the list of “Prohibited Conduct” in the Student Judicial Code. The list includes cheating and plagiarism, obstruction of teaching, physical abuse, theft, disorderly conduct, use of explosive materials, violation of alcohol policy, sexual harassment and assault, and use of illegal drugs.

All regulations are in writing in official College publications, and formal judicial actions follow the procedures outlined in the Community Standards Policy. Records of violators of the Student Code of Conduct are kept in a confidential file in the Office of the Dean of Students. Parents will be informed of judicial actions only if sanctions affect the student’s status at Carleton. Students are always encouraged to involve and inform parents.