Facilities has limited space that can be used for storage. Not all space is under the responsibility of Facilities Management.
Campus storage is for Carleton furniture, equipment, fixtures, building materials to be used for maintenance and repairs, and other items as determined by Facilities.
Any request for storage needs must be submitted on the Facilities Work Request system on the Web.
Facilities may use one of several contractors to move and store items. Contractors cannot be directly contacted regarding storage issues. All questions or requests must go through Facilities so that:
- the work order can be tracked;
- scheduling of the contractor can be arranged;
- proper billing is assessed; and
- approval of the request fits the storage criteria and they can determine if space is available.
Departmental storage needs are the responsibility of the department. Books and/or materials that belong to an individual and/or the department specifically, are not with the storage purview of Facilities Management.
For information on Student Storage contact Residential Life.