The courses listed here represent courses that are sponsored by the European Studies interdisciplinary minor. Many courses in other departments, as well as many from study-abroad programs, receive credit within the minor.
- 2024–2025 Courses:
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EUST 101: Elementary Czech
This highly recommended language course will meet twice per week and emphasize basic listening and speaking skills. Students will be challenged to utilize their new language skills in everyday situations.
S/CR/NC; No Exploration; offered Fall 2024 · Ken Abrams -
EUST 101: Elementary Italian
Instruction in spoken and written Italian with particular attention given to developing conversational ability.
S/CR/NC; No Exploration; offered Winter 2025 · William North -
EUST 101: Elementary Italian
Instruction in spoken and written Italian with particular attention given to developing conversational ability.
S/CR/NC; No Exploration; offered Winter 2025 · William North -
EUST 101: Elementary Italian
This course will provide instruction in spoken and written Italian with particular attention given to developing conversational ability.
S/CR/NC; No Exploration; offered Spring 2025 · William North -
EUST 102: Elementary Italian II
Building on Elementary Italian, this course focuses on developing student skills in speaking, reading, and writing in Italian. After a brief review of earlier material, the course will orient students to remaining elements of Italian grammar, develop more advanced reading skills, and develop greater listening comprehension and speaking ability. The course will meet three times a week.
Prerequisites:Student has completed any of the following course(s): EUST 101 – Elementary European Language with a grade of C- or better.
3 credits; S/CR/NC; No Exploration; not offered 2024–2025 -
EUST 110: The Power of Place: Memory and Counter-Memory in the European City
This team-taught interdisciplinary course explores the relationship between memory, place and power in Europe’s cities. It examines the practices through which individuals and groups imagine, negotiate and contest their past in public spaces through art, literature, film and architecture. The instructors will draw on their research and teaching experience in urban centers of Europe after a thorough introduction to the study of memory across different disciplines. Students will be challenged to think critically about larger questions regarding the possibility of national and local memories as the foundation of identity and pride but also of guilt and shame. 6 credits; HI, Humanistic Inquiry, IS, International Studies, WR2 Writing Requirement 2; offered Winter 2025 · David Tompkins, Paul Petzschmann, Sandra Rousseau, William North -
EUST 159: “The Age of Isms” – Ideals, Ideas and Ideologies in Modern Europe
“Ideology” is perhaps one of the most-used (and overused) terms of modern political life. This course will introduce students to important political ideologies and traditions of modern Europe and their role in the development of political systems and institutional practices from the mid-nineteenth century to the present. We will read central texts by conservatives, liberals, socialists, anarchists and nationalists while also considering ideological outliers such as Fascism and Green Political Thought. In addition the course will introduce students to the different ways in which ideas can be studied systematically and the methodologies available. 6 credits; IS, International Studies, SI, Social Inquiry; offered Winter 2025 · Paul Petzschmann -
EUST 207: Rome Program: Italian Encounters
Through a range of interdisciplinary readings, guest lectures, and site visits, this course will provide students with opportunities to analyze important aspects of Italian culture and society, both past and present, as well as to examine the ways in which travelers, tourists, temporary visitors, and immigrants have experienced and coped with their Italian worlds. Topics may include transportation, cuisine, rituals and rhythms of Italian life, urbanism, religious diversity, immigration, tourism, historic preservation, and language. Class discussions and projects will offer students opportunities to reflect on their own encounters with contemporary Italian culture. Prerequisites:Acceptance in the Carleton OCS History in Rome Program.
3 credits; HI, Humanistic Inquiry, IS, International Studies; offered Spring 2025 · William North -
EUST 249: The European Union from Constitution to Crisis
It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the experience of war and conflict for the founding of the European Union. The enlargement of the EU to include the much of Eastern Europe has brought this kind of “History” once again to the fore of policy-making in Brussels and in Europe’s national capitals. It has also exposed the contradictions that have made a coherent European Foreign and Security Policy so difficult to achieve. In this course we will examine the history of the EU’s founding alongside an introduction to the history and politics of Eastern Europe, culminating in an examination of the ongoing war in Ukraine. We will benefit from multiple class visits by Ukraine scholar Prof Komarenko of Tarras Shevchenko University, Ukraine.
6 credits; IS, International Studies, SI, Social Inquiry; not offered 2024–2025 -
EUST 278: Cross-Cultural Psychology Sem in Prague: Politics & Culture in Central Europe-Twentieth Century
This course covers important political, social, and cultural developments in Central Europe during the twentieth century. Studies will explore the establishment of independent nations during the interwar period, Nazi occupation, resistance and collaboration, the Holocaust and the expulsion of the Germans, the nature of the communist system, its final collapse, and the post-communist transformation. Prerequisites:Acceptance in Cross-Cultural Studies in Prague Program and student has completed any of the following course(s): PSYC 110 – Principles of Psychology with a grade of C- or better.
6 credits; HI, Humanistic Inquiry, IS, International Studies; offered Fall 2024 · Ken Abrams -
EUST 398: The Global Panorama: A Capstone Workshop for European Studies and Cross-Cultural Studies
The work of Cross-Cultural Studies and European Studies traverses many disciplines, often engaging with experiences that are difficult to capture in traditional formats. In this course students will create an ePortfolio that reflects, deepens, and narrates the various forms of experiences they have had at Carleton related to their minor, drawing on coursework and off-campus study, as well as such extracurricular activities as talks, service learning, internships and fellowships. Guided by readings and prompts, students will write a reflective essay articulating the coherence of the parts, describing both the process and the results of their pathway through the minor. Considered a capstone for CCST and EUST, but for anyone looking to thread together their experiences across culture. Course is taught as a workshop. 2 credits; S/CR/NC; HI, Humanistic Inquiry, IS, International Studies; offered Winter 2025 · Paul Petzschmann